
General Information for Riders


PLEASE NOTE: Dates/Times are subject to change -- this is just to give you a general feeling for the 2025 weekend.

Please watch our Facebook page (@tourdecornmo) and Instagram feed (@tourdecorn) for the latest information.

FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2025 

  • Rider Packet Pick-up
    Location: Tour de Corn Booth at the Main Street Party, (corner of Lincoln and Chestnut)
    Time: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

  • Main Street Kickoff Party (Hosted by the East Prairie Downtown Revitalization Committee and the East Prairie Chamber of Commerce)
    Location: the Downtown Gazebo area (corner of Main Street and S. Washington)
    Food, fun and festivities abound!  Enjoy the Main Street Party in downtown East Prairie.  Learn more at: www.epsweetcorn.com


  • Rider Packet Pickup & Onsite Registration
    Location: Family Life Center Parking Lot (322 N. Washington, East Prairie, MO)
    Time: 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. (start of ride) 

  • Church of God Spaghetti Dinner (Optional and additional charge beyond your registration fee)
    Location: Family Life Center
    10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (or until spaghetti is gone!)
    NOTE: If you pre-order spaghetti but do not return before 3 p.m., the group will make sure to prepare you a to-go plate with all the fixin's.


The Tour de Corn is a ride, not a race. Plan on riding at a rate appropriate to your training and health level.

We appreciate your understanding:

Riding Safety:
Our riders', volunteers' and community members' safety is among our top priorities each year.  Extensive SAG service will be provided, including local first responders.  HELMETS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL RIDERS, INCLUDING CHILDREN IN BUGGIES & BIKE SEATS. Cyclists must obey all traffic rules. A message board will be provided at the Start/Finish Line. Family and friends may post messages.

Type of Terrain/Routes:
The Tour de Corn is flat for most of the ride, especially the shorter routes. Well-marked rural highways. Portions of the Mississippi River Cycling Trail on all routes. Approximate rides of 15-, 30-, 60 or 100!! The 100-mile ride is a great "starter" ride for anyone wanting to do their first Century ride.  Find our Tour de Corn maps and elevations (from previous rides) here.

Route Maps:
We will provide the final official 2025 Tour de Corn Routes closer to spring once post-winter road conditions have been assessed.  Printed route maps will be available at the registration table on the day of the ride. Additionally, we will provide GPS-based maps in June.  Find our 2024 Tour de Corn maps here as a reference point.

Rest Stops:
Rest/snack stops provided on all routes. Some rest stops have indoor bathrooms/running water; the others have portapotties.  All have hospitality out of this world!  This year we will work closely with our local health departments to provide the best possible safety for our riders and volunteers.

Start/Finish Line:
Ride starts and ends in downtown East Prairie at the Family Life Center at 320 Washington. Ample parking and restrooms provided.  Bathrooms with showers will be available at the Family Life Center. Though the facilities are free-of-charge, you must bring your own towel, shower shoes and toiletries.

Rider Guide:
We will provide all pre-registered riders a 2025 Rider Guide via email in late June 2025.  If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at info@tourdecorn.com or 888-CORN-030 (888-267-6030).


Is this a race? Is there an end time for the event?
'Round here, we like to take things at our own pace...we think you should, too! So go at the pace that is comfortable for you -- fast or slow -- we just want you safe, healthy and having TONS OF FUN! Volunteers will remain at our Rest Stops until 2 p.m. (or if the last person is through that course before then). If you are on the century and need to take longer than 2 p.m., we'll be sure to leave waters and food out at the final rest stop to help you get back home! The ending point (the air-conditioned East Prairie Family Life Center) will remain unlocked throughout the evening as well.

Is this ride fully supported?
Absolutely! Our SAG team hits the course early in the morning before YOU do! And the team covers all four routes throughout the day. On the day of the ride, we'll provide you with the phone numbers of your designated SAG team -- exclusively to cover your route. But chances are you'll get used to seeing them pass by regularly during your day!

What time does the ride start for my route? Do you stagger the start of the ride?
We hear every year that one of the best parts of the Tour de Corn is the fun the host of corn'ers that take off at the beginning at 7:30 a.m. We have music, we have cheerleaders, we have a singing Mayor. So you don't want to miss the fun of the grand takeoff. However, we continue to line up so our faster-minded Century riders will get to the front of the line and lead us out with the 60-, 30- and 15-milers following accordingly.

I'm not riding in the Tour de Corn, but where can I meet my rider afterwards?
Reunite with your rider at the Family Life Center (where the ride starts). We have indoor bathrooms and showers available if needed. Plus, you are welcome to purchase an additional spaghetti dinner on site (hosted by the First Church of God Youth Group in the Family Life Center Building).

The rest stop and road marking were clear. Every person who was helping at the stops registration tables, etc. were some of the best mannered people. So to sum this AWESOME JOB.

   --- Brad Davis

We can't thank everyone who worked the Tour De Corn enough. Your patience, hospitality, and understanding were overwhelming. Thank you so, so much!

   --- Steve Steamboat O’Connor
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